The break calendar

User Research
Design for Behaviour Change
Interaction Design
Individual Project
The break calendar standing on a study desk

Project description

Students spend their study breaks very unconsciously, doing activities that make them feel miserable thereafter. They trade long-term success for short-term gratification through digital breaks. Science shows that people need nearly half an hour to focus back on work after such distractions. That makes students not feeling refreshed, taking more time than planned, and not feeling motivated to start again.
Instead, students have three core needs that their breaks should fulfill: They should act as a reward, clear their minds, and provide them a feeling of success.
Through user testing, literature research, contextmapping sessions, workshops, prototyping, and user testing, I developed the Break Calendar concept. It aims to create self-reflection and motivation for spending more meaningful breaks. Break activities that are core to long-term user successes and satisfaction can be defined, are encouraged and rewarded with each break.
designing in the face of hyperbolic discounting: Immediate rewards are worth more than future rewards.
A bracelet with color-coded magnetsThe break calendar standing on a study deskThe break calendar standing on a study desk